
Dedicated to the preservation of New York City's historic landmarked West 70th Street and
protection from the incursion of an inappropriate condominum tower at the Shearith Israel Synagogue site.

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ramaz school




March 26, 2007

The claim is that this project has been put on hold; wisely, some local opponents - The Coaltion to Oppose Ramaz Tower, are dubious and have filed an objection with the BSA.

Opposition Statement filed with BSA on March 17, 2008 by Coalition to Oppose Ramaz Tower EINBINDER & DUNN, LLP

The Coalition commissioned a study by BFJ Planning dated January, 2008. Their 45 page report is excellent:

BFJ Report Color January, 2008

September 20, 2007

Ramaz KJ Project East 85th Street: Friedman & Gotbaum Mounts Effort to Gut the Zoning Laws on East 85th St.

Who could imagine that the Congregation Shearith Israel's application of variances was the stalking horse for a City wide effort to dismantle the zoning law -this time on East 85th Street for Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun (KJ), and also spearheaded by none other than the law firm of Friedman and Gutbaum.

In this instance, the East 85th Congregation wishes to replace an existing School (the Ramaz School) and Synagogue House, and replace this building with a 28 story condominium tower.

The Ramaz/KJ Application is replete with the same urgent claims of programmatic needs that can only be resolved by building, in their case, a 28 story building. Friedman & Gotbaum certainly used the Shearith Israel application as a model for it Ramaz/KJ application, copying sections and phrases, and replete with the same self-congratulatory language.

Friedman & Gotbaum also played similar tricks with the Community Board 8, serving their application in late June knowing the CB8 would not meet in August - so, CB8 elected to not act all, perhaps getting CB8 members off the hook. Cute.

The Ramaz/KJ application shows the precedential danger of the Shearith Israel arguments. Friedman & Gotbaum has set up a cookie cutter arrangement where private developer can use non-profits as stalking horses to eviscerate the zoning laws, and particularly the concept of mid-block zoning.




June 20, 2007 Statement in Support of Application for Variance by Friedman & Gotbaum.

Economic Feasability Study by Rober B. Pauls

Other documents will be posted at a later time.
